The Moving Support Project helps formerly unhoused people secure furniture to make their new space into a real home. We work with people who have finally secured housing to determine what they want from their new home, and then acquire furnishings to fulfill their wishlist. We pay special attention to the desired style of furniture, and reach out to people selling things online and convince them to donate their items. On move days, a group of volunteers mobilizes to drive a 14-ft truck around the city, pick up furniture, bring it to the new home, and help organize the space. The project has developed an inventory system to provide our movees with a Freestore Cataloge, from which they can choose furniture and household items according to their taste. The inventory from our Freestore is hosted in a storage unit in South Williamsburg, which was generously donated to us by StorageMart.

We receive more requests for furniture than we can fulfill, the main limit being people power. We welcome volunteers in all capacities, from joining on a moving day to help transport furniture to taking part in the behind the scenes organizing that makes a move happen. To volunteer, fill out this form. Spending the day moving furniture and transforming someone’s home is both satisfying and incredibly fun.

With more storage capacity we could expand our ability to store donations— any leads on donated storage space can be sent to And we always accept donations to our fund for moving truck rentals!